Archive of RADIO SHACK FOLDER - 12/94 THROUGH 12/95 Subj: SCPC RADIO Date: 94-12-22 00:54:00 EDT From: HOTLINERIC I HAVE A REALISTIC 2006, 25-1300MHZ AND A DISH IS IT1 POSIBLE TO HOOK UP MY SCANNER TO MY DISH AND RECIEVE SCPC PROGRAMING ON C BAND? WHAT WOULD BE MY INPUTS AND OUT PUTS? Subj: PRO 43 SPEAKER Date: 94-12-24 19:17:46 EDT From: WLFW Has anyone had to change out the speaker on a PRO-43? Mine appears bad. How hard is it to get to and where can I find one? Please E-mail "WLFW" thanks, AL Subj: Re:PRO 43 SPEAKER Date: 94-12-26 18:23:51 EDT From: BSkoch You can get most any part for a Tandy product by calling Tandy National Parts at 800-442- 2425. Have the model number of your scanner handy (the 25-### number) and a credit card. Their prices are reasonable, and they'll even ship overnight if you're desperate (you'll pay the extra fee, of course). bernie Subj: Re:PRO 2026 Date: 94-12-27 21:53:12 EDT From: MegHurts Anything I should know about my new 2026? Subj: Re:PRO 43 SPEAKER Date: 94-12-28 09:22:32 EDT From: TildenFin The speaker on my Pro-43 went after 3 years of continuous use.....went to Radio Shack and ordered the speaker from National Parts....My friend then changed it for me.....If you do not have a TSP (service contract), it can be expensive to have RS fix it Subj: pro-2026 cell mod Date: 94-12-29 08:06:21 EDT From: JoeAN2SCV look back in the "pro-2026" messages for this mod Subj: MOD FOR PRO-2032 Date: 94-12-31 21:10:21 EDT From: RFRUTH IF ANYONE KNOWS OF A MOD FOR THE 2032 PLEASE CONTACT ME. THRU E MAIL.. TKS RFRUTH Subj: Re:Pro 51 vs Pro62 Date: 95-01-01 17:44:54 EDT From: JimA119256 I received the Pro 62 scanner for Christmas. Was wondering what everyones impression is of this radio? Is the pro 51 modifiable or only the older versions? Any comments would be appreciated. Subj: Re:Pro 51 vs Pro62 Date: 95-01-02 21:58:55 EDT From: HARTMAN262 THE PRO-51 CAN BE USED TO MODIFY CELLULAR, EVEN THE NEWER ONES, BUT I HAVEN'T SEEN ANYONE WHO HAS FIGURED IT OUT FOR THE PRO 62 YET. GOT A PRO 51, BUT TRADED IT IN FOR A PRO 62, BECAUSE I NEEDED A TRIPLE-CONVERSION SCHEME. IF INTERMOD ISN'T A PROBLEN IN YOUR AREA, THE PRO 51 IS A GOOD BUY. SEE MONITORING TIMES DECEMBER FOR KEYPAD SEQUENCE TO ACCESS CELLULAR ON THE PRO 51. IT IS NOT A MODIFICATION, IT IS A KEYPAD SEQUENCE, AND YOU ONLY HAVE TO DO IT ONCE. Subj: PRO-46 Date: 95-01-03 03:10:50 EDT From: LeshovskyW OK...... Lot's of discussion........ but nothing on my scanner, the PRO-46. Any opinions? I just got mine for Christmas. Still learning what is where. Thanks, Bill Subj: Re:PRO-46 Date: 95-01-04 00:02:27 EDT From: GREPilot My PRO-46 has served me well for one and a half years. The frequency coverage is good with the lack of the 200-400 MHz UHF air band being the most significant gap. It should serve well in the future as more and more agencies are switching over to the 800 MHz band. Subj: Radio Shack Warranty / Mods Date: 95-01-04 01:27:05 EDT From: MG Hopkins Hey, Does anyone have any stories or ideas on how Radio Shack deals with TSP's on units with Mods. If you take the unit in for repair will they honor the warranty? If they honor it will they make the unit "legal" before returning it? I just got an old Pro-43 from a local store and was told that they had set it up so they could tell if you tried to modify it they could tell if the case was even opened. I can testify that this is BS. I guess that my question is, "Can you get a TSP a couple of days after the purchase and expect to have them honor it if the unit is modified?". If you modify the unit should you even get the TSP. Thanks (you can E-Mail me also) Subj: MOD for PRO-39 Date: 95-01-05 19:59:27 EDT From: AKStone If anyone can give me info on mods for the PRO-39, I would be very appreciative. Please Email your response to me. Thanks AKSTONE Subj: Panel light / Pro-2006 Date: 95-01-06 00:45:07 EDT From: RICKCRIDER Have just compared my 2006 with a friends. Both are same, and have panel light dimmer switch on front. Mine is DRASTICALLY dimmer in both bright and dim modes. I always thought the panel was just poorly lit 'till I compared it to another one. Solutions anyone? Rick Crider Subj: pro 32 Mods wanted Date: 95-01-06 02:05:35 EDT From: BILLN3PZA dose anyone know if there is any mods for the RS pro-32 ht scanner.. if so please e-mail billn3pza. at AOL or Bill Subj: Re:Panel light / Pro-2006 Date: 95-01-06 23:47:33 EDT From: G7L My 2006 just has a on/off light switch. When lit, the light seems to be nice and bright. I'm now trying to figure out why yours has a dimmer switch? How old is your scanner? My should be last years model. Thanks, Scott Subj: Re:Panel light / Pro-2006 Date: 95-01-07 02:28:56 EDT From: Boosher The original 2006 had a dimmer switch and the newer models sport an on/off. The reason is that in either case, the backlighting will eventually wear out. Therefore, RS decided that they should reccomend that the light be completely turned off when not absolutely necessary. If you do not need the backlighting, then turn it off. If your display is getting dim, it may need to be replaced. If it has always been dim from day one then you have a defective unit. Subj: Re:Panel light / Pro-2006 Date: 95-01-08 02:23:37 EDT From: Strech1 Can verify that. My '2004's backlight has lost much of it's brightness, and now flickers between sorta dim and completely off. Anybody know how easy it is to replace? I'm fairly capable of restoring things that I have taken apart , I just finally got around to replacing the filter cap in my 2nd scanner I ever bought, a Bearcat 210-no more hummmmmmmmm. Strech Subj: Re:Panel light / Pro-2006 Date: 95-01-09 01:23:33 EDT From: RICKCRIDER I posted the original question.....thanks for all the response. I apparently have the older version....with the dimmer switch. Would like more info on replacing the affected unit??????Thanks to all.....look forward to more. Rick Crider Subj: Pro-50 Date: 95-01-11 11:50:35 EDT From: CrazyTom1 Posted on: System does anyone know how to mod. a pro-50 Subj: Pro-2024 help/info Date: 95-01-11 19:27:26 EDT From: AAC Dan Posted on: System I have a old RS Pro-2024 scanner..and was wondering if there are any mods, tricks, tips etc that are known or possible with this one? if you can reply via email to Dan of WA or AAC Dan Thanks Subj: PRO-23 Date: 95-01-12 21:56:25 EDT From: XRAY700 Posted on: System I JUST BOUGHT A PRO-23 AND ITS MY FIRST SCANNER. SO FAR I HAVE HAD IT A WEEK AND CARRY IT EVERYWHERE I GO! AM RECEIVING CELLULAR CALLS IN THE 897-902MHZ RANGE. UNDERSTAND IT IS ILLEGAL TO LISTEN TO THEM. IS IT? WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE WHO HAS HOOKED THEIR HAND HELD UP TO A CAR ROOF TOP ANNTENNA. THANKS ALOT AND KEEP SCANNIN XRAY700 Subj: PRO 39 MODS Date: 95-01-13 21:56:51 EDT From: ACTIONMECH Posted on: System I have a pro 39 portable scanner and would appreciate any mods. available. Thanx. Subj: Re:Panel light / Pro-2006 Date: 95-01-14 01:22:33 EDT From: Boosher Posted on: System Get a service manual for your scanner from Tandy National Parts in Fort Worth, TX. Don't have the number handy but its an 800 number and you could get the number from 800-555-1212. The part number for the 2006 manual is 20-308. I think mine was about 10-15 bucks. LOTS of useful info. in these books including blowups of the assemblys. Great for planning ahead to do mods like Bill Cheeks as well. A quick look at my manual reveals that it may be a bit of a project to replace the display, but it is certianly do-able. I have been in to my scanner that far and you just have to get over the fear of de-soldering things. Anyway, once you determine that you are ready to do it, you can then call Tandy National Parts again and order the display! Go for it!! -Boosher Subj: PRO-2009 Date: 95-01-16 15:46:17 EDT From: ThePasta Posted on: System Does anyone hae any modifications for a PRO-2009 scanner? If you have it, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ThePasta Subj: PRO-51 Date: 95-01-17 00:22:47 EDT From: ThomasL269 Posted on: System The Radio Shack in my area (Alsip, IL) is having a sale on this scanner for $219.99. Can anyone let me know if it's worth the money. Thanks -- Tom (THOMASL269) Subj: PRO-39 Mods Date: 95-01-19 19:59:06 EDT From: CBL95 Posted on: System I would like some info on PRO-39 mods. E-Mail me CBL95. Subj: Mod Pro 2021 Date: 95-01-19 20:01:08 EDT From: Chashe Posted on: System I have a Pro 2021. I would like to mod it to receive the 800Mhz frequencies. I've managed to mod it so that the key board will key them in but the radio isn't receiving them. I'm only trying to get the legal freq's., nothing illegal. Subj: Re:Mod Pro 2021 Date: 95-01-20 02:16:17 EDT From: Scat104933 Posted on: System Sorry Buddy, but I'm affraid your out of luck. Even though you have modified the CPU, if you are still unable to receive anything on those frequencies, you are out of luck. The numbers will show, but nothing will be heard. The reason is that the scanner does not contain the mixer for 800 MHZ. (The receiving circuitry besides the CPU). The reason for this move by the manufactures is that the same CPU was used in other radios (other than 2021) that receive 800Mhz. It is said than a small amount of 2021 scanners will convert, but most did not Subj: Pro 51 Date: 95-01-21 21:37:51 EDT From: JonJ2 Posted on: System My recently purchased PRO 51 does not have the 2-9-L/Out test mode that loads the forbidden (888.96) frequency. The other test modes seem to work just as described in PRO51.TXT seem to work fine. Anyone know if test mode #1 is available? Thanks in advance. Jon P.S. Little care - I'm having a ball without the cell frequencies. Subj: Re:PRO-51 Date: 95-01-21 21:39:20 EDT From: JonJ2 Posted on: System I'm no expert, but I'm having a ball with mine. . . . It's the best buy I could find without going over $300. Subj: Re:Pro 51 Date: 95-01-21 21:47:02 EDT From: Ravenn Posted on: System dont feel like the lone ranger. I'm having the same problem with my pro-51 MOD. if you come across anything that works E-mail me please. Ravens gotta fly now.......................... Subj: Re:Pro 51 Date: 95-01-24 00:45:34 EDT From: StevenP571 Posted on: System Look on the back of the scanner. If it says 7A4 it'll work, if it says 8A4 it won't. Subj: 2025 & 2028 mods needed Date: 95-01-24 19:48:59 EDT From: JackH31366 looking for mods for radio shack 2025 & 2028 Subj: Re:Pro 51 Date: 95-01-24 22:48:13 EDT From: JonJ2 Mine does say 7A4, but still doesn't work. Thanks though. . . . does that mean that it's obsolete already? Jon Subj: Need PRO2030 mod Date: 95-01-25 23:23:35 EDT From: GMoore1995 I've read the previous postings for the pro2030 mod, however, I appear to have one of the new ones (date code 7A4 ?) with L201 already removed. Has anyone found out how these unit can be modified? TIA Subj: Re:Need PRO2030 mod Date: 95-01-26 22:16:08 EDT From: BHarber I have the same problem. BHARBER Subj: Re:Pro 51 Date: 95-01-27 02:08:07 EDT From: FGrosu Press 2,9,Band or 2,9,Moni. When the display is updated hold down 2,9,L/Out keys.Keep holding them until the display finishes filling up w/frequencies. Happy scanning 800 cellular!!! Subj: Re:Pro 51 Date: 95-01-29 11:26:34 EDT From: JonJ2 Some Pro-51 Scanners - marked 7A4 have been modified so that 2-9-l/out does not work. The other 2-9- other key tests do work. To reverse the RS modification, open the cover, identify the wires going between the main board and the daughter board, and cut the brown wire. - - - - Now, 2-9-L/out works, and channel 23 is loaded with frequency. You can then direct search for cell freqs. and copy them to scanner channels. Jon Subj: PRO 62 Date: 95-02-01 13:53:12 EDT From: TomZ9 I received a Radio Shack flyer and the PRO 62 is on sale for $219.99. I am interested in scanning and would appreciate any comments about this radio. Thanks, Tom Subj: What is triple conversion Date: 95-02-02 02:01:29 EDT From: NormR54270 What is triple conversion Subj: Pro-62 Date: 95-02-02 02:06:07 EDT From: NormR54270 Is the Pro-62 scanner modifiable? Subj: Re:PRO 62 Date: 95-02-02 21:17:16 EDT From: JimA119256 I have one unfornately I bought it when it was on sale for $249.00. I have liked it alot. Tried the pro 51 and liked this one better. Has real good reception in VHF. Hope this helps. Subj: Re:PRO-23 scanners Date: 95-02-02 23:00:13 EDT From: XRAY700 i recently bought a new pro-23 hand held scanner. it is my first scanner and i enjoy it alot. have been reading all i can find about scanners. IF ANYONE HAS OR HAS KNOWLEDGE OF PRO-23 SCANNERS PLEASE CONTACT ME XRAY700 THANKS ALOT.....XRAY700 Subj: triple conversion Date: 95-02-03 08:20:55 EDT From: JoeAN2SCV radio udes more IFs so... NO IMAGES! ie: you can't double the IF & A Subj: triple conversion & Pro-62 Date: 95-02-03 10:15:54 EDT From: St Magnum Ray-- To my knowledge, there is no modification available for the Pro-62. However, it would appear that it's close to the top of the line in RadShack handheld scanners. If I didn't already have a Pro-43, I'd probably buy a Pro-62. Triple conversion is where the receiver uses a third Intermediate Frequency (IF) when it's converting the radio signal to an audible sound. Most scanners only use two, and you can get false images, ie. listening to a given frequency and hearing another frequency's image. Triple conversion is kind of like an extra third filter to keep you from hearing junk you don't want to hear. You'll still pick a little bit of garbage, but not nearly as much as you would without it. -- St. Magnum Subj: Pro-43 Cellular mod Date: 95-02-04 15:53:32 EDT From: SLJO I have been told the Pro43 is not modifiable if the seriial numbers begin with the letter A. Does anyone know why? and has anyone found a way to over come this? Of coarse this is for educational purposes only! The big O! Subj: Re:Pro-43 Cellular mod Date: 95-02-04 16:38:08 EDT From: St Magnum That's Correct. If the Pro-43's serial number begins with an "A", there is no known mod as of yet. But, of course this is all for educational, informational purposes anyway! :-) Subj: Triple Conversion Date: 95-02-05 20:37:41 EDT From: HenryCorte I somtimes get noise ( static ) so bad on the 155 Mhz band that I can hardly get the Queens fire dispatcher on 154.400. I notice this "static noise" is worse in the form of background mnoise on the AM aircraft band. Could it be "imaging into the higher band? my IF is 10.85 Mhz on a Bearcat BC-855-XLT. Would a triple conversion receiver releive or eliminate this? I don't always get it, probably depending upon signal strenth of the Queens fire radio. I live 31 miles from the transmitter. ......Henry Corte Subj: Don't Laugh Date: 95-02-06 14:27:37 EDT From: AticusFnch I have a Radio Shack Pro-35...very limited capabilities...Are there any modifications I can make to imrove on it??? Other than spending 300 for a new scanner? Thanks Aticus Subj: henry's noise Date: 95-02-07 18:28:54 EDT From: JoeAN2SCV Henry, i'm only 3 miles from a pager antenna & no matter what radio (pro-34, 35 or the 2005 & pro-43 with their triple conversion) i get wiped out. Subj: Re:henry's noise Date: 95-02-08 17:31:29 EDT From: HenryCorte Thanx Joe---How can I spot a "paging antenna"? I don't know if this is the problem though. The noise is quite constant, as a steady ststic then disappears after some time --- maybe several hours to several days. It seems more atmospheric in nature. By the way--I get the Manhattan and Bronx fire dispatchers just fine, but they could be dumping stronger signals down here---I live in East Northport. Thanx again for the reply!----Henry Subj: Pro 62 Date: 95-02-08 23:20:46 EDT From: Lucifer Jr I just bought the Pro 62 last week. It's my first scanner and I am very impressed. I do have a question about range, specifically, what is the approximate range on cordless phone calls with the included antenna?? I'm in the middle of the city (Savannah, GA) and also in an apartment complex. I'm picking up the calls just fine and am noticing that a good bit of them seen to be from outside the apartments.... Thanks... Subj: Re:Pro-62 Mod Date: 95-02-11 20:27:44 EDT From: JSher54 Any information on modifing the pro-62 ? Subj: BC300 Date: 95-02-11 23:16:58 EDT From: Racer0069 I recently came upon an old Bearcat 300. It was broke but I manged to fix it, the display was blank and that was a common problem. Now I'm looking for an owners manual so I can see what this scanner is supposed to do! A schematic would also be very very helpful.... If you can help I would appreciate it very much.....please E-mail me. Subj: Re:BC300 Date: 95-02-12 02:33:55 EDT From: DX Comp Send me your mailing address. I have a BC300 and an owner's manual. Jim Frimmel DX Computing Subj: Re:Pro-62 Mod Date: 95-02-12 18:09:26 EDT From: TUNA1 Speaking of the Pro-62, does it cover the same frequency ranges as the 43? I remember that a Radio Shack guy telling me the 43 isn't even being made anymore, but he couldn't tell me if the 62 is it's replacement. (I didn't think to ask him if I could look at one to find out). If the 62 isn't the 43's replacement what is? TUNA1 Subj: Cordless phone range Date: 95-02-15 03:12:35 EDT From: BobPriv Using the rubber dickie antenna on your pro-62 expect very limited range from cordless phones. In your house, you get perhaps as far away as a few houses. Outside, you'll get al little farther in your neighborhood. Using a good antenna mounted on your roof might bring in cordless phones from as far away as a couple of miles. Radio Shack's discone (about $60) is a good choice. If you know how to construct an antenna, a 10' dipole mounted high might really bring them in from as far away as several miles. By the way the limiting factor is the extremely low power of cordless phones. Also, most base units (which it the desirable thing to monitor) are usually located inside someones house and most often on the ground floor - not exactly condusive to long range transmission. Of course, very few people would select their phone's base unit location for the ability to enhance someone elses ability to eavesdrop on them.... By the way, try searching in the 49mHz range with an outside antenna for baby monitors. Often these are left on all day and provide an excellent and sensitive live microphone in someones house. Careful listening can reveal conversations taking place even several rooms away. With the discone, you might pick up several in your area with a lot of interesting eavesdropping potential. Subj: Re:Cordless phone range Date: 95-02-15 14:32:20 EDT From: Luis Valle About this antenna deal, doesn't the ablility to pick up weaker/further signals at the same time prevent you from listening to someone using that same frequency. If three people in your neighborhood are talking on their cordless phones and all three happen to be using the same frequency, what happens? They won't care because the other signals are too weak to interfeer, but I (with my roof mounted antenna) will have all three conversations on my scanner. What can you do? Subj: Re:Cordless phone range Date: 95-02-15 23:49:00 EDT From: TomBunch The signal that is the strongest almost always completely wipes out the other caller. If it doesn't completely cover the other transmission, then any transmission is hard for you to understand. Actually the best antenna is a dipole antenna tuned for the 49MHz such as the 49 Max sold by the cellular security group. Subj: Re:Cordless phone range Date: 95-02-16 01:39:33 EDT From: BobPriv Sure, A rooftop antenna might pick up several signals at the same time. The result is that they tend to intefer wuth each other. The strongest signal is usually heard with the weaker signals being the interference. Actually though, with the 10 channels such interference is not as common as you might think. Many phones automatically choose a "clean" channel when you pick them up. Others are locked into a single channel. But then again, althought the problem you describe can exist it is not a big problem that will interfere with your listening enjoyment. The rooftop antenna opens huge doors of possibilites. Not just for monitoring cordless phones but also for all kinds of monitoring. Subj: Re:MOD for PRO-39 Date: 95-02-16 01:55:32 EDT From: YoCuz Celluar restorarion for the Pro-39 is really quite simple. Diode D6 must be disconnected. Subj: Any new models modifyable ? Date: 95-02-16 18:09:49 EDT From: GDuval Are there any new models from Radio Shack or others that can be modified for cellular ? If so , which is the best buy , handheld or base. I need something until the Pro 62 is cracked! Thanks Gary Subj: Re:Any new models modifyable ? Date: 95-02-18 00:52:14 EDT From: BobPriv Previously, manufacturers used a system where the scanners firmware was programmed in such a way that the presence of absence of diodes would allow the CPU to tune, or lock out, specific frequency ranges. This way a scanner could be sold world wide by only installing a few diodes for the location where it would be sold. Thus cell frequencies could be cut out in the US. Likewise certain frequency ranges not allowed to be monitored in other countries could be set up just as easily. In some cases, the diodes locked out frequencies where there is nothing to monitor in a particular area. Of course, users discovered the diode frequency keys. New laws say that easily modified scanners cannot be sold so the manufacturers simply redid the firmware. Thus the whole system of dioides "programming" is a thing of the past. Newer Radio Shack and Uniden scanners were recently found to have test modes that allow you to hit some cell frequencies. Once this info became public, the scanners underwent changes to stop this way into the cell frequencies. In most newer models, a change of firmware is going to be required to get a cell frequencies. What this will entail and if this is even possible will depend on many things. Your best bet is to find a scanner with a secondary frequency of around 10.8Mhz and poor image rejection. This way you might be able to tune strong images of the 870-890MHz range from around 849-869 or 891-911mhz. Many lower priced Uniden scanners fit the bill. The Uniden made Radio Shack Pro 2030 is a great example. Better units with triple up conversion obviously cannot be used in this way because the triple up conversion is intended to eliminate these types of images. If you really want a great scanner that can tune cell phones, get a Realistic Pro 2006, clip one easy to get at diode and you'll be in business with the best of them. Subj: Re:PRO 62 Date: 95-02-18 01:59:48 EDT From: MatthewjP I just gave in to a mad compusion and bought a Pro 62 today. This is my first scanner. It took a while to learn how to use it, but it was not difficult. It seems to be quite good with its own antenna: it works well in my building...very well. Subj: Re:Pro-62 Date: 95-02-18 02:00:32 EDT From: MatthewjP Why would you wnat to modify it? Subj: PRO-43 OR NOT? Date: 95-02-18 10:56:39 EDT From: SMurphy00 I am looking for a handheld scanner that will cover the UHF Military and cell band. I understand the Pro-43 will cover the military band and with a mod. will cover cell also. Can any one suggest another model for about the same price range as the 43? Im kinda new to the scanning world and would appriciate some insight. Thanks SMurphy00 Subj: PRO-62???? Date: 95-02-18 22:04:43 EDT From: Gaspee I own a Pro-51 but need the tripple conv. just looking for some input on how everyone likes their PRO-62 (since it's on sale this month...) Thanks a lot, Gaspee Subj: Triple conversion & cellular Date: 95-02-19 01:01:51 EDT From: Gatorback There has been alot of talk about the inability to scan cellular image with a triple conversion scanner.I think this is true with Radio Shacks PRO-series.Most of RS handheld scanners top out at 956 - 960mhz.Well I recently got the Uniden BC3000xlt which is a triple conversion scanner and I was pretty much convinced that I too would not get cellular imaging until one day when I was searching the frequencies 980-1100mhz and there it was, a bunch of cellular chit chat loud and clear.I narrowed it down to the range of 1005.0 to 1019.0mhz. Gatorback Subj: Re: Indoor Active Antenna Date: 95-02-19 23:31:40 EDT From: AVelordi Anyone aware of a good indoor active (or passive) antenna that would work well with my PRO-2006? I'm in a condo...rules preclude a rooftop discone. Thanks. . Subj: Re:Panel light / Pro-2006 Date: 95-02-22 12:22:42 EDT From: AVelordi Hmmm, my 2006 blue panel light is switchable...on or off, but I don't have a dim option. Might be something nice to add; don't know how difficult it would be to replace the bulb (could be soldered to the board). Art Subj: rs mods 2003,2009 Date: 95-02-23 16:19:52 EDT From: SandyJ42 need to finish project if any one has these mods please E-Mail me direct at AOL SandyJ42. thank you in advance SandyJ42 Subj: Pro 51's $119, Great Deal Date: 95-02-24 02:57:21 EDT From: KeithHat For those of you interested, Radio Shack in my area is having a blowout deal on Pro 51's. There is a large tent sale going on at the Radio Shack outlet center in Garden Grove, CA. All of the items they are selling came out of a RS warehouse that was flodded. They have many items besides scanners but I feel they were the best deal. They have sold out of Pro 62's but as of today (2/23) there was a pile of Pro 51's left. All of the boxes feel slightly damp but I opened mine up and it works fine and shows no sign of moisture. They also offer a 30 day warranty on all items if they fail. If you are in the area it is worth checking out, but I wouldn't wait to long they were going fast. This is the same unit that is $299 in the retail store in front of the tent. Keith Subj: Re:Panel light / Pro-2006 Date: 95-02-25 20:25:06 EDT From: FireFly908 My 2006, which was bought new with the closeout, has a dimmer switch, too, and it isn't very bright in either mode, TOO! Subj: Re:Panel light / Pro-2006 Date: 95-02-25 20:28:07 EDT From: FireFly908 Ignore my above statement! I posted before I read on, and it bit me. Obviously, I have an older unit. I sure isn't very bright, though. Subj: R.S. vs Uniden? Date: 95-03-05 19:28:40 EDT From: DennisM914 Does anyone happen to have a cross-reference as to what Radio Shack scanners are equivelant to Uniden scanners, I have read that several models are duplicate models in which only the name and maybe cosmetics are different. If anyone knows any information of the like could you please e-mail DennisM914. It would be appreciated greatly. Thanks Subj: Re:R.S. vs Uniden? Date: 95-03-09 00:04:17 EDT From: BobPriv I doubt it. Radio Shcak and Uniden scanners have a completely different control logic. Since this is different it is unlikely that there are other differences as well. My guess is that these are some common componets, such as logic board, etc. but enough other differences to at least maintain some form of identity. Subj: Re:R.S. vs Uniden? Date: 95-03-09 03:12:29 EDT From: Gedit Several RS scanners are made expressly by Uniden for RS. RS is not allowed to tell you that, because of the licensing agreements they have with Uniden. Similar to the Bearcat agreement with Uniden as well. Same scanners, in either case. I work at RS. Subj: rs/uniden Date: 95-03-10 08:25:43 EDT From: JoeAN2SCV open up most rs handhelds & you'll see the uniden name on the circuit boards Subj: R.S. Handheld... Date: 95-03-11 23:54:37 EDT From: DennisM914 Does Radio Shack sell a handheld which is 50 channel and covers 11 bands; 29.0-29.7, 29.7-50.0, 50.0-54.0, 137-144, 144-148, 148-174, 406-420, 420-450, 450-470, 470- 512, 806-956 ? If so, what is the Radio Shack model number? Any help with this will be appreciated... Thanks. DennisM914 Subj: PRO-43 for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!! Date: 95-03-21 13:42:19 EDT From: Seb G I have a radio shack pro-43 scanner. It's only a few months old and I have done the cellular phone mod to it. I haven't used it much and IT'S LIKE NEW!!!!!!!!! Leave me e-mail at with an offer. Seb G Subj: RS2006 to Computer? Date: 95-03-21 19:28:38 EDT From: Lions Den1 Does anyone know how to interface an RS 2006 with a computer for a reasonable cost? Thank you! Subj: 2035 computer interface Date: 95-03-21 22:10:06 EDT From: AlanE32392 ordered the interface from grove last week,it's one back order,they said it would ship in march. It only cost 89.99. Will let everyone know how it works when I hook it up. Subj: Re:PRO-43 for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!! Date: 95-03-22 14:58:40 EDT From: ToasterLnk If you can tell me which number, I will pay $150.00 for it. (The number will tell me if it is an original or a later modified version. I am seeking the original version.) The number is on the back of the unit and begins with "AA" followed by some additional characters.I'm not sure if it's the serial, model, or FCC ID number. But one of them is it. Thanks. Subj: Re: 2006 Computer Interface Date: 95-03-23 18:36:16 EDT From: AVelordi 'Course...many of us are still waiting for a good software pkg to link our PRO-2006's to, say, a Mac IIci. Art Subj: Re:2035 computer interface Date: 95-03-24 04:53:20 EDT From: Lions Den1 Will that work with a 2006 model? Subj: Re:2035 computer interface Date: 95-03-25 00:43:40 EDT From: AlanE32392 I don't think so, I think when they made the 2035 they had the interface in mind. Subj: PRO-52 Comments? Date: 95-03-26 01:21:43 EDT From: JollyGreen Local Ratt Shack is running the PRO 52 for $80 off its' normal $299 sell price. Is this a reasonably good radio? Should I consider spending my $220 on something else/better? Any input appreciated Subj: Re:PRO-52 Comments? Date: 95-03-27 00:22:14 EDT From: ToasterLnk I was just advised by someone who's really into scanning that the PRO 62 is a better unit, and that it goes on sale often for about $80 off as well. The difference, primarily, is double conversion in the model ouy noted, versus triple conversion in the 62. If your local RS is friendly, ask about the 62, if you're interested. Subj: RS 2036 or Uniden 9000xlt? Date: 95-03-27 02:58:11 EDT From: ARankin I am having a hard time trying to find a great base model scanner!! I have been to the RS and have called around. I have been told that the Uniden 9000xlt is the scanner to have but have not seen one. I personnaly have had bad dealings with Uniden in that Cellular and other 800mhz freq's do not come in. I have a PRO-39 pre-ban that picks up Cellular great. It is the best scanner I have ever had and I did not even have to modify it!! I am looking for a Base Scanner that will please me as much, Even if I have to Modify it. Any help and price list would be helpful. Thanks in Advance. Subj: PRO-43 for sale Date: 95-03-27 03:34:48 EDT From: DWarman Realistic Pro-43 scanner. New in box. Pre-April 1994 model. FCC No. AA20-300. $350 obo. Call 501-375-6512 in Little Rock or email DWarman. Subj: Pro-2035 Mods? Date: 95-03-27 17:56:46 EDT From: Reiten Recently purchased a 2035. Would like to know of any mods. Am already aware of Mr. Cheeks' 4000 channel mod. Also already have his mod books #1 and #2. Subj: Re:RS 2036 or Uniden 9000xlt? Date: 95-03-27 21:41:50 EDT From: LesScan ARankin: The only scanner that I know of that you can still buy NEW and can make modifications to restore cellular is the Radio Shack PRO-2006, which Grove Enterprises bought up and is now selling. All other scanners firms have been forbidden to manufacture cellular-modifiable scanners. See my comparasion between the four major base scanners in my topic: "BearCat vs. Radio Shack Scanners" in this section. Happy Monitoring! Les Mattson (LesScan) Subj: Pro-2006 for Sale or Trade Date: 95-03-27 23:35:16 EDT From: Gatorback I have a Pro-2006 in excellent condition with cell mod and manual.Asking 240.00 or will trade for a handheld Pro-51 with cell mod,BC2500xlt with cell mod or BC220XLT.Please E-Mail GatorBack Subj: Pro-2006 Sold Date: 95-03-29 00:41:00 EDT From: Gatorback The Pro-2006 For Sale or trade has been sold.Thanks! Subj: Grove Pro-2006 Date: 95-03-31 20:56:22 EDT From: DX Comp Don't bother to call Grove about buying this scanner. All sold out! Subj: pro 2021 Date: 95-04-02 18:35:40 EDT From: SK1306 I HAVE A 2021 SCANNER. I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT THE 2021 CAN NOT RECIEVE THE 800 MHZ, BUT I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT EXTRA MEMORY CAN BE ADDED. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO ADD THIS EXTRA MEMORY? TK Subj: Re:pro 2021 Date: 95-04-04 15:22:33 EDT From: LABADORS I'm sorry I dont know how or if it is even possible to accomidate the 800mz into the scanner. i was told you cannot but who knows. anyways i own a pro 2021 myself for the last 6 years. have you ever had a problem with yours? recently my light in the frequency window has gone out and makes it difficult to see the frequencies. any suggestions where or how much it might cost to fix it.? Subj: PRO-62 Modification? Date: 95-04-04 22:01:21 EDT From: AndyK14 Can the R/S PRO-62 be modified? Subj: Looking For Pro-2006 Date: 95-04-05 23:19:49 EDT From: EFORT10 If anyone has a Pro-2006 in working condition that they want to sell, E-Mail me! Subj: Any Help Date: 95-04-06 00:23:19 EDT From: YoCuz Does anyone know if I send a pro-39 that is cell modified to be serviced by RS if they will remod my scanner so that I can not receive the cell transmissions. I need some work on the antenna mount and some overall tuneup or checkup type work. Or does anyone know who can service it in the Atlantic City New Jersey area. Thanks in advance. YoCuz Subj: Scanner Repairs.... Date: 95-04-06 09:18:42 EDT From: LesScan For scanner repairs, try Birch's Communications (somewhere in your neighborhood), or Waxman Communications in Lindenwold (609) 346-1400. Also, G & G Communications in Franklinville, NJ (609) 694-1717. Also, you could check with G & G Communications in LeRoy, NY, especially for repairs of older scanners particularly BearCat/Uniden. Les Mattson (LesScan) Subj: Re:Any Help Date: 95-04-06 21:58:37 EDT From: ToasterLnk I'm looking for PRO39 mods.... can you send me any, or point me in the right direction? I've never found any. Subj: PRO-62 Not Modifiable Date: 95-04-10 22:52:25 EDT From: Toast68 This months Pop. Comm Magazine says that the new PRO-62 is not able to receive cellular and there is no mod for it. Never programmed in at the factory....... bummer. Subj: MAKE MINE MOBILE Date: 95-04-11 23:39:02 EDT From: Yeti7 If you can tell me which radio shack scanner is best as far as performance AND the ability to be modified please e-mail me. I'll be forever grateful. yeti7 Subj: Re:MAKE MINE MOBILE Date: 95-04-12 02:13:30 EDT From: Luv4Stangs The only things that I wish my pro-2026 had was 100more channels and Mil Aircraft.Easily restored with the snip of one wire. If you E-Mail me I`ll send you the mod. PS I`m selling mine for $175 =s&h,need mil air scanner I have the one that doesn`t loose all the freqs when disconnected. Subj: Re:Radio Shack Warranty / Mods Date: 95-04-14 15:49:38 EDT From: KB5WIX I have often wondered about this myself. As I recall, the "letter of the law" in their policy states that you void the warranty if you perform any modifications. However, I wonder how that jives with their big campaign about a year ago where various and sundry Radio Shack devices were displayed in the store after having been smashed, run over, struck by lightening, or otherwise abused beyond belief. Attached to these dead products was a sign that stated the warranty had covered the them one and all. I'd say they may have set themselves up for a heck of a "implied covenant" case. Subj: PRO 2010 MODS Date: 95-04-15 00:14:30 EDT From: Kb2syi Were there any mods available for the pro 2010 desk model scanner? I would appreciate any responses about this one. I have checked numerous ftp sites to no avail. Please send responses to either email address below. Thanks in advance!! or Subj: Don't laugh Date: 95-04-15 04:04:22 EDT From: ZZBops I have a Pro-38 and the same question! Subj: Re:Pro 51 Date: 95-04-18 11:56:23 EDT From: ARankin Mine say 7A4 and it does not work!!! HELP! Subj: Re:Pro 51 Date: 95-04-18 12:06:44 EDT From: ARankin I found out how to make it work. Thanks to everyone! Subj: WTB: New Case (housing) Pro-2006 Date: 95-04-18 16:53:55 EDT From: Lions Den1 Wanted: New case (housing) for RadioShack Pro2006. Also other parts wanted. Thanks for your help! Subj: WTB: Computer Interface Pro-2006 Date: 95-04-18 16:54:43 EDT From: Lions Den1 Wanted: Computer Interface for RadioShack Pro-2006. Thanks for the help! Subj: 800mhz modifiable scanners Date: 95-04-18 19:06:35 EDT From: IHartley Does anyone know if Radio Shack sells any scanners that can be modified to scan the whole 800mhz? Can you still buy new pro- 2006's anybody still sells them? Thank you Subj: Re:800mhz modifiable scanners Date: 95-04-19 12:44:31 EDT From: Luv4Stangs I believe you can still buy 2006`s thru Grove. Subj: RS PRO-30 Date: 95-04-20 23:26:39 EDT From: SCH63SIEN Anyone use these? I might buy one used, I want to know anything good/bad about them. Email prefered. Thanks Subj: Re:Radio Shack Pro 2035 Date: 95-04-21 07:21:07 EDT From: SFD4 How about some of you owners of Pro2035 RS scanners out there giving us some reviews on this scanner. Also how about review of AOR3000A. Subj: Re:Radio Shack Pro 2035 Date: 95-04-21 17:24:57 EDT From: AlanE32392 I had mine for a couple months and it's great. It takes a little getting used to useing the keypad, no real intermod problems, squelch is great, doesn't scan as fast as the bc9000 but I still like it. I am just waiting for grove to send me my computer interface for it. The green display is different to. Subj: Re:Radio Shack Pro 2035 Date: 95-04-22 20:29:53 EDT From: SFD4 Alan are you using the 2035 w/ outside antenna and also do you have a bc9000? Subj: Pro 44 Date: 95-04-23 11:39:01 EDT From: Aruny Pro 44 scanners are the best scanners for wants to start out listening to scanners! Any questions e-mail me at Subj: Modifiable Hanhelds Date: 95-04-23 14:13:01 EDT From: JimA119256 I would like to know which handheld RS scanners are keyboard modifiable to receive cell. I have come accross some and a pawn shop but do not know which would be best. Any help would be appreciated. Subj: Re: Pro-2035 Date: 95-04-26 05:41:13 EDT From: D350 I've been using my Pro-2035 for a few months now. I must admit I feel the 100 channels per bank is too much. I personally would have preferred, say, 20 banks of 50 channels each. Also, I've noticed the selectivity (I think that's the correct word) is not great as here in the suburbs 30 miles west of Chicago, still intermod city USA, I get "bleed-over" from repeater freqs in the 461-465 Mhz range both 12.5 Khz above and below the repeater output freqs sometimes with the squelch at max. All this, mind you, at ground floor level in a house with nothing more than the stock telescopic whip which came with the scanner. It has a 10 Db att. switch which seems to solve the problem. The only other drawbacks that come to mind are that any unused channel with 000.000 are scanned unless you individually lock them out. The "Auto-Store" function works but will keep storing the same active freqs non-stop every time the scanner hits on it. Having made these less than favorable comments, the sensitivity seems good. Even with the 10 Db att. switch engaged I still receive "low power"/"splinter" business freqs quite well. Go figure. I quite enjoy the 10 separate search ranges which can be searched through in sequence of each other, if desired. Comes in handy when trying to search the 800 Mhz band where there are many "Data freqs" within trunked systems and I can supersede this major hassle by programming numerous search ranges and just "skip" the data freqs when searching for voice freqs there.The scan/search speed is excellent. I am considering getting the appropriate version of "OptoScan" to interface the 2035 with my Macintosh hoping this would erradicate most of the "quirks" and "design flaws" by allowing me to set my own desired bank sizes and "skip" and/or "lock-out" any freqs on command during search sweeps. Anyone else experience any other pros or cons I have not mentioned? Subj: PRO-39 Speed and Memory Mod?? Date: 95-04-27 01:16:04 EDT From: ARankin Does anyone out there know any mods for speed and/or memory upgrades for the Pro-39? Subj: 2006 w/ 486 dx2 Date: 95-04-29 00:32:00 EDT From: YoCuz Hey I am looking to get a program that will control my 2006 from my pc. Any one have any suggestions. I have a 486 dx2/66 mhz 8 ram and svga 1024x768 and a cd-rom. I am looking for something that is powerful yet easy to understand and use. Thanks in advance. Also does anyone use the fcc data cd rom disk, or could someone reccomend on to me. Thanks again. YoCuz Subj: Re:pro 43 Date: 95-04-29 08:59:24 EDT From: JimA119256 I have read many messages concerning whether the pro 43 is modifiable. I have an opportunity to purchase one that was originally purchased in Jan 94. Should I be looking for an A or not in the serial number? Also have an opportunity to purchase a new one. What should I look for to find out if it is modifiable? Subj: Re:2006 w/ 486 dx2 Date: 95-04-29 12:26:20 EDT From: Mark 7996 scancat gold ver. 6.0 It's awesome Subj: Re:2006 w/ 486 dx2 Date: 95-04-30 00:41:04 EDT From: Armadillo1 The 2006 requires an interface of some sort before you can control it with the computer. My recommendation is the Optoscan OS-456 interface with PROBE software from Datafile. I have 2 opto-ed 2006's and absolutely love them. It really makes it hard to go back to "just the scanner". PROBE is by far the easiest to use and most complete control program I have found (and I have tried a bunch (G)). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post here, or for faster reply, E-Mail me, since I don't get in the board very often. Ken Subj: RE: FCC ID number and "A" Date: 95-04-30 02:28:52 EDT From: MARKS9780 My information is that R/S scanners whose FCC ID ENDS, not starts, with the letter "A" are the ones not modifiable. Every R/S scanner I have owned had an FCC ID starting with AA. Two of these have been sucessfully modified. Also, if you remove the battery pack from the PRO-43 and look inside, you can see the diodes. Holding the unit keyboard down and look at the lowest level. The diodes are D-5 to D-1, numbered left to right. D-5 is empty. If D-4 is there, it can be modified. If D-4 is absent, no such luck. Mark Subj: NEW RS HANDHELD Date: 95-04-30 16:23:20 EDT From: Gaspee was at one of the local RS stores last night and saw something that caught my eye, a handheld that recieves from 25-1300mHz, haven't seen any adds about it, has anyone i might have missed it. I think the clerk said it retails for $399.99 as he tried to get me to buy one. Gaspee Subj: R.S. made by uniden, & cordless Date: 95-05-01 00:30:11 EDT From: Scanner444 Just a quick note, I have been told by a very good source that some models that look like and even have Uniden circut boards, are not made by Uniden. Even some of the Uniden models are not made by Uniden. I would not bet my life on this statement but, I have very good resons to not doubt my insider connection. Second, for all the people that want to listen in on cordless phone conversations, -----> MY GOD, GET A LIFE! I don't mean to tick any one off, but don't you have anything better to do than to listen in on other people's conversations. Subj: PRO-2006 Date: 95-05-01 08:47:38 EDT From: LesScan Experience seems to indicate that good scanners are seldom offered for sale on the used scanner market. Scanners that are not so good or difficult to program ARE often offered for sale on the used scanner market. You might keep this in mind in the future. Watch the ads and AVOID those scanners that are often offered for sale, used. Les Mattson (LesScan) Subj: Re:PRO-2026 Beep Delete Date: 95-05-01 12:46:48 EDT From: Belchazzar Help.... I am in dire need of a beep delete mod for my cheapy RS-2026 Scanner. It is about to drive me nuts. I am also interested if any other commands: (besides the hold 2 and 6 turn on to reset) can be entered from the front panel. Any help would be very much appreciated!! I have already done the L201 mod and added a 9V for bat backup myself. This beep is going to drive me nuts!!!!!!! Subj: Re:RS2006 to Computer? Date: 95-05-08 21:51:44 EDT From: HakChick yep Optoelectronics as a computer controller, OS456. Workes pretty good...their # is 800- 327-5912 Subj: Re:WTB: Computer Interface Pro-2 Date: 95-05-08 21:54:07 EDT From: HakChick Optoelectronics as em for $299 800-327-5912 Subj: Re:PRO 39 MODS Date: 95-05-09 00:34:57 EDT From: MIKEMACF I HAVE THAT MODEL TO CAN YOU SEND ME ANY MODS YHAT YOU HAVE Subj: 2035 interface Date: 95-05-09 14:42:22 EDT From: AlanE32392 Just got the computer interface for the 2035, but there are two things I don't like. One, you have to cut a piece out of the pack panel, it's not a big deal but I don't like it. Two, the grove catalog says the price is 89.00 but the real price is 299.00, but they were nice and called me up right away to let me know that they will be charging me more. Subj: Re: Pro 26 Date: 95-05-09 17:08:35 EDT From: JimA119256 I am looking at purchasing a pro 26 and wondered what everyone thought of them. Subj: Re:NEW RS HANDHELD Date: 95-05-09 19:12:22 EDT From: SteveD1910 Yes, it's the Pro-26 made by Uniden. 200 channels, and absolutley full coverage 25 to 1300 including TV with the default 6mhz steps and FM broadcast at 200khz steps. It's awesome. Steve Subj: Re: Pro 26 Date: 95-05-09 19:14:24 EDT From: SteveD1910 Jim: I think it's the ultimate search and store radio. The BC3000 is similar in most ways with 400 channels but a gap between 5?? and 7??Mhz. The 26 takes regular batteries also. Steve Subj: Re: 2032 Computer Interface Date: 95-05-10 21:27:22 EDT From: Jrmont I have developed a computer interface mod a Windows program for the model 2032. Need some testers willing to build mod and test SW. EMAIL jrmont Subj: NEW Pro-51 Mod Date: 95-05-14 13:26:19 EDT From: Deb Blom Can anyone help me with the new mod for the new Pro-51 scanner from RS. I have searched everywhere, and no luck.. I would appericate any help help that I can get for this info.. Thanks, Deb Blom Subj: NEW Pro-51 Mod Date: 95-05-14 13:27:18 EDT From: Deb Blom Can anyone help me with the new mod for the new Pro-51 scanner from RS. I have searched everywhere, and no luck.. I would appericate any help help that I can get for this info.. Thanks, Deb Blom Subj: Re:PRO-46 Date: 95-05-19 13:03:15 EDT From: Eagle 1576 Does anyone know the signals of Universal Studios Florida? Subj: Re: Pro 26 Date: 95-05-24 11:46:30 EDT From: TpropRE I have had a Pro-26 for about a month now and it is incredible!!!! I have allways been a Bearcat man, but this one blows away myBC2500.. The RS extra duty Ni-Cads are lasting in excess of 12 hours....lots longer than the bc packs do kevin....TpropRE Subj: Re: Indoor Active Antenna Date: 95-05-27 08:11:44 EDT From: RCWalker73 Monitoring Times had this suggestion many issues ago, and I've a friend that tried it and agreed it worked... Radio Shack has a 15-1607 "Amplified VHF-UHF-FM Portable Antenna", originally designed for small portable TV sets. It works from 2-AA batteries or a supplied AC adapter. Only 'problem' is the output is an 1/8-inch plug...but two adapters (278-254 and 274-325) make the switch to a BNC...or you could cut the 1/8 plug off and put on a BNC...for $25-30, not a bad deal (actually, something of the package is on sale since I got the whole deal for $25). This appears to do a decent job of amplifing and picking up some of the weaker signals on a scanner. I just bought this combination for my 2006 cause I, too, live in a townhouse where I can't put up an outdoor antenna. Thought about trying the Grove "hidden antenna", but went this way just because Radio Shack is here (and I was there buying a Pro 26!). Subj: Pro 39, me too... Date: 95-05-28 09:08:09 EDT From: ELECTRICRD Interested in mods contact me at Email ElectricRD Subj: RS 2032 Date: 95-05-31 11:17:05 EDT From: Dani0304 Just bought a 2032 on sale for 149.99. Good price? I'm looking for cell mods for this scanner. Also would appreciate any info on connecting it to my PC, or what antenna to increase it's range. Thanks Dani0304 Subj: Audio Mod for Pro43 Date: 95-05-31 21:53:25 EDT From: Film Hog What is the available audio mod for this scanner that is being talked about? Any other practical enhancements for it? Subj: Discontinued RS scanners Date: 95-06-01 01:16:38 EDT From: MountanEMT If anyone is interested, I have access to many discontinued Radio Shack scanners, most never taken out the box, at a discounted price. These items are in demand as all new scanners are almost, if not completely impossible to modify. if interested, please e-mail me with the model number and catalogue number (if poss) you may be surprised at the price! Also, I can provide you with a complete specification list, or answer any question about any RS scanner to help you decide on a scanner. Happy Monitoring! Subj: Pro-51 MODIFICATION Date: 95-06-03 14:01:42 EDT From: JaneDoe726 Can anyone give me an idea on how to modify a new pro-51.......... Subj: Pro-51 MODIFICATION Date: 95-06-03 14:02:48 EDT From: JaneDoe726 Can anyone give me an idea on how to modify a new pro-51.......... Subj: Re:Pro-51 MODIFICATION Date: 95-06-03 17:28:46 EDT From: St Magnum Modify a Pro-51? Well, I only know of one way. . . Y'see, you take a hammer, and you take your scanner. . . (You can figure out the rest.) Subj: Re:Pro-51 MODIFICATION Date: 95-06-03 17:29:45 EDT From: St Magnum Modify a Pro-51? Well, I only know of one way. . . Y'see, you take a hammer, and you take your scanner. . . (You can figure out the rest.) Subj: any Mods. for an old Pro-2023 Date: 95-06-03 18:46:13 EDT From: JaneDoe726 Is there any mod. for an old r.s. Pro-2023???? Subj: PRO-2035 Scanner Problem Date: 95-06-04 11:43:38 EDT From: MinesG I recently bought the Radio Shack PRO-2035 one thousand channel scanner and it has, IMHO, a minor glitch. When it stops on an active channel and you press the scan button to resume scan, it will stop on the next programmed channel regardless of any activity and pause for half a second before continuing to scan. If you have the delay feature set on that channel it will pause for 2 full seconds. During this 2 second "coma" you can press that scan button all you want but it ain't gonna move! Later on I found that if you set the squelch at maximum it doesn't do it. However, with the squelch set according to instructions, it does it consistently. Even with the squelch set at half strength it does it intermittently. Are there any other PRO-2035 owners that find this as annoying as I do? Thankfully, none of the public safety agencies in my area are on a trunked radio system. Not yet anyway! On a positive note, I've found the 100 channels per bank configuration quite convienent for storing commercial and military aircraft frequecies. On this message board and on the internet newsgroup it seems that the 100 channels per bank issue has been the biggest complaint against this radio. GM. Subj: Re:PRO-2035 Scanner Problem Date: 95-06-04 15:22:42 EDT From: LesScan GM: I believe newer models of the PRO-2035 have been manufactured to store banks of 50 channels instead of banks of 100? It is pretty much accepted by most scanner hobbyists that 40 is about the limit of frequencies we want in a bank. I feel 20 channels per bank is ideal and I wonder if manufacturers couldn't allow us to set our own "floating" numbers of channels per bank?? In other words, sometimes 10 channels for a bank is great. Sometimes you may want 15 channels in a bank. Then, like you, you may want a bank of 100 channels. Why can't we have a 500 channel scanner and WE decide the number of channels in each bank, even to the point of changing the bank configuration to suit ourselves, to suit the agencies, etc. But, if the scanner was manufactured to hold 10 banks, that's all you could get out of it, ten banks. If you wanted a couple of banks with only 10 channels each, you would have to offset that by accepting some other channels with perhaps 50 channels, or one huge 100 channel bank to compensate for the smaller ones you used. Don't hold your breath! Les Subj: Re:PRO-2035 Scanner Problem Date: 95-06-05 00:45:43 EDT From: MountanEMT Hello Les & GM. Yes the channel 'locking' problem is frustrating, especially when your trying to follow a good call. As far as I know, There are no pro-2035's with 50 channel banks, but RS has stopped shipping the 2035 to its stores so this most likely means an 'updated' version is on its way. It would be my guess that the same thing will occur as with the pro2004-pro2006. an updated model every year till they get something 'perfected'. And how about the Auto Search and store? great function but do you think they'll make it so it doesn't store the same freq over and over? Subj: PRO-2035 Scanner Date: 95-06-05 22:36:06 EDT From: MinesG Re: PRO-2035 Scanner Problem, LesScan posts on 6/4/95: [It is pretty much accepted by most scanner hobbyists that 40 is about the limit of frequencies we want in a bank.] I agree. I generally keep the first twenty to 50 channels programmed and the rest locked out. I use the locked and un-programmed channels as a dumping ground for auto store sessions and junk frequencies that I'm only occasionally interested in. Again I would agree that having more frequencies in a bank than you scan in one second is not desirable. The PRO-2035 has a 50 channel per second scan rate. 100 channels per second would be better! But for aircraft frequencies, military and commercial, 100 channels per bank is kind of nice. I have Eppley airport and Offut air force base within my radio coverage area (Omaha, NE) and it is nice to have a bank of 100 channels set aside for each one. Especially the air force base since they have so many different radio communication needs: security, police, fire, rescue, aircraft comms, ground control, the motor pool, etc. Heck, I think Santa Claus has his own freq for when he passes through their air space! ;) Re: PRO-2035 Scanner Problem, MountanEMT posts on 6/5/95: [And how about the Auto Search and store? great function but do you think they'll make it so it doesn't store the same freq over and over?] This is another sore point with me and this radio. You would think it could at the very least remember the last stored frequency and not store it twice in row! To make this feature useful I only use it to search small ranges, about 50 to 100 steps, of lightly used areas of the radio spectrum. For example the UHF military air band. GM. Subj: stopping on empty ch. Date: 95-06-06 18:50:13 EDT From: JoeAN2SCV my 2004 & 2005 do the same. ??? Subj: Wtd. - Modif. of PRO34 Date: 95-06-09 20:19:37 EDT From: PeteJD Would like to find a source that has info on modification of the 34. Thanks in advance PJD in So. Cal. Subj: Re:Wtd. - Modif. of PRO34 Date: 95-06-10 01:02:03 EDT From: MNaylor105 TRY BILL CHEEKS BOOKS. Subj: Need Pro-42 mod Date: 95-06-10 05:30:49 EDT From: AdamL0709 I need the mod for the Realistic Pro-42 Handheld scanner. E-mail me it. Thanx!!! --Adam-- Subj: Pro-2027 Date: 95-06-17 17:15:28 EDT From: Achilles05 I own the Pro-2027, and don't laugh at me, but what all is possible with that particular scanner? Aside from buying a new one. Achilles Subj: Re:PRO-51 Date: 95-07-06 15:39:42 EDT From: Whopper669 no it isn't Subj: Re:Pro-62 Date: 95-07-06 15:41:45 EDT From: Whopper669 that's what i'm trying to find out Subj: R.S. Pro-2036 and Tone Board Date: 95-07-16 01:32:34 EDT From: ALEXJENN I recently bought a pro 2036 b/c of the speed. I scan only emergency channels and was wonderingif a "tone board" can be used to follow trunked systems. I am not sure exactly what a tone board does... if you can help that would be great! Thanks Alex Subj: Re:R.S. Pro-26 Date: 95-07-16 09:11:16 EDT From: JimA119256 Has anyone found any undocument features for this scanner? Subj: Re:R.S. Pro-2036 and Tone Board Date: 95-07-16 12:42:59 EDT From: DKraft1792 A tone board will not help to follow trunked systems. What you have is a board that will open the squelch on Your raido when a sub audible tone is received. You have to know what freq. of tone is being used for the service you are listening to then reading the instructions that came with the rig, set that tone into the raido. If You are getting a lot of intermod, pagers, etc. that is opening your squelch this will help. Hope this helps. Dale Subj: Re:Discontinued RS scanners Date: 95-07-16 14:51:19 EDT From: G2BELLOWS Regarding your older posting about discontinued R.S. radios, do you still have stock or access to stock? If so I would greatly appreciate an e-mail reply if not too extensive or invonvenient for your. I am also interested in any of the PRO-2006 radios if available. Many thanks and best regards. G2BELLOWS Subj: short wave on pro43! Date: 95-07-23 20:38:58 EDT From: Pro43 Ive got a pro43 (and a 39) which, after doing memory mods on,have intermittantly scanned below 30 mhz in limit search mode.I got my aor to verify i was hearing real sw broadcasts and lo and behold the tx's were real.So there must be a way to open these bands up.Anyone have the same experience?BTW all other radio features are normal.Let me know.Pro43 Subj: New Handheld Date: 95-07-25 08:09:44 EDT From: YoCuz I am looking for a new handheld scanner. I have a pro 2006 and a pro39 but when I restored the celluar in the 39 it started getting real freaky on me. Anyway I am looking for a new handheld, hopefully with as much coverage as the 39 i m looking for some 800 (NJSP) Local Police Band, Marine, Some aircraft (But not necessary) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Subj: Re:New Handheld--Offer Date: 95-07-25 23:33:16 EDT From: G2BELLOWS I have a very good alternative: PRO-43 I will e-mail you on particulars G2BELLOWS Subj: Re:NEW RS HANDHELD Date: 95-07-26 11:46:13 EDT From: Sherlock12 Yes, it's the PRO-26 (20-506), and offers complete (except, of course, for cellular) coverage from 25-1300 MHz. $400. --Doug Hitzig, Cocoa Beach, Fla. KD4WTS Subj: Re:R.S. made by uniden, & cordle Date: 95-07-26 11:48:05 EDT From: Sherlock12 Actually, quite a few Uniden Bearcat scanners were made by Radio Shack, at least until Tandy sold their manufacturing facilities. Uniden made (still?) cordless phones and radar detectors for RS. --Doug Hitzig, Cocoa Beach, Fla. KD4WTS Subj: Re:NEW RS HANDHELD Date: 95-07-26 15:02:46 EDT From: SCAN95 I agree. I just got my PRO-26 yesterday and it's one of the finest handhelds I've ever owned. I'm very pleased with it. SCAN95 Tampa, Florida Subj: Re:Discontinued RS scanners Date: 95-07-27 21:07:43 EDT From: Chinco Am interested in a rs-2006 with or without os-456. please email price and avalability. Subj: PLEASE HELP Date: 95-08-02 15:38:30 EDT From: Baydog 993 have performa 550 and 2035 scanner can someone advise how to interphase send e-mail to BAYDOG993 Subj: Need Pro 43 Audio Help Date: 95-08-17 13:27:04 EDT From: THIS MAN I have a Pro43 that spent a night in my Hot Tub (Yeah, Yeah, I Know, Boo Hoo) However, after drying it out, my unit scans and stops. The only problem is that the audio is low to no existant, even out of the earphone. How do I fix this puppy? Since I did the cell mod, I could probably handle the repair, however I need to know what components are the culprits and where I can get them. Can you steer me in the right direction? Thanks Email THIS MAN Ken Subj: NETSET ??? Date: 95-09-05 18:59:31 EDT From: NY041ed I just received a catalog from England with scanners in it. It is from a place called SRP Radio Centre. They are selling a mixed bag of Pro Series scanners... SOme of them with the Realistic tag on them and some under the name Netset... But they are all "Pro" models..Here is a rundown: Realistic: Pro-2035 Pro-2006 Pro-2039 Pro-2036 (looks like Bearcat 890) Pro-39 Pro-43 Pro-50 Netset: Pro:44 Pro:46 Pro:2032 All items are available for export!!!!!!!! Subj: Re:MOD FOR PRO-2032 Date: 95-09-06 08:44:48 EDT From: Red rooste I also need any mods for the pro-2032, any HELP will be apreaceated. Thanks. The rooster Subj: PRO 2026 Date: 95-09-07 03:07:23 EDT From: RBOBIS I heard that the pro2026 can be easily modified for continuous 800mhz coverage but my main concern is how well does this scanner perform in comparison to other scanners ie PRO51/39/2004/2006??? RBOBIS Subj: RS PRO-30 MODS? Date: 95-09-09 02:22:34 EDT From: JonE Aingl Anyone familiar with any mods to open up the freq. spread of the PRO-30? I know it's an older unit, but a friend was asking, so I said I'd ask around... Please E-mail direct, any replies. Thanks! Subj: Re:PRO-23 Date: 95-09-10 12:22:25 EDT From: BoknowsAU that is a good scanner stick with it I have picked up all sorts of cordless telephones in the 460-520 range. Boknowsau Subj: Re:MOD FOR PRO-2032I Date: 95-09-10 18:04:29 EDT From: GREL SANDY I have the 2036 and am really enjoying it. Just put up a discone so i could catch the shuttle, any one know the freqs? send reply to GREL SANDY Subj: Handheld Antennas Date: 95-09-10 22:12:52 EDT From: WB1AOE I recently purchased a Pro-51 and feel that the reception is less than optimal. When the unit is side by side by Bearcat 9000, it seems to only receive about 80% of the same signals. Is anyone aware of an aftermarket antenna (preferably the "rubber duck" type) that can be used to boost the reception? Thanks for your assistance. Subj: Re:NETSET ??? Date: 95-09-11 10:58:48 EDT From: DAWord Having recently returned from many years of living in England, I may be able to shed some light on the "Netset" brand name. Radio Shack in Britain does business under the Tandy (parent company) name, possibly because there is already a company dealing as "Radio Shack" that was there before they arrived. Over a year ago, I was in a Tandy store and noticed that some scanners were being sold as "Netset PRO-....whatever".. I asked about that and was told that Tandy/Radio Shack was in the process of doing away with the "Realistic" brand and was labeling all its new US products as Radio Shack but couldn't do that in the UK, so their scanners were going to become "Netset". I don't know what happened with this, because it seems they're using "Realistic" again over there and Radio Shack here. Maybe someone from Radio Shack can clarify this further, but I think the "Netset" brand in Britain will disappear as older products are phased out. Dave (N4DYR) Subj: Re:NETSET & RS v Realistic Brand Date: 95-09-11 23:41:19 EDT From: G2BELLOWS It appears that the newer scanning radios ( in the US ) will bear the tradename " Radio Shack " as the brand name " Realistic " is being phased out. " Radio Shack " on a scanner identifies it as a more recent manufacture than the " Realistic " ones. Some folks have the idea that because a radio, say PRO-43, has the newer name that it is not restorable. The key to restorability is the " A " series number and not the brand name. A lot of buyers are passing up on restorable versions of what is still the superior handheld because of this misunderstanding. Subj: Intermod,Tone Boards & Finders Date: 95-09-12 20:50:11 EDT From: LesScan I think someone a few messages ago suggested the CTCSS tone board would help eliminate intermod??? Just owning a scanner having a CTCSS tone board alone would have no effect on intermod. It would not be a factor at all and would be no better then the same scanner without the tone board. On the other hand, if you programmed in the CTCSS tones used by the agencies you have intermod problems with, it might be of help on some of those particular frequencies. The trouble is, most frequency guides, scanner books, FCC frequency databases on CD, the four major scanning magazines, etc., don't usually publish PL tones and it is one tedious job to find them yourself without the use of a tone finder. By the way, I use a Model TF-1 Tone Finder manufactured by MEASUREMENTS, Division of AlE (Automated Industrial Electronics) in Batesburg, SC. Is that firm still in business and is the tone finder still available on the market, or is there an equivalent tone finder? Can anyone supply an address for such a scanner accessory? (Every owner of the BC-9000 should have a Tone Finder to get maximum benefit from their CTCSS tone boards.) Les Subj: Re:MOD for PRO-39 Date: 95-09-13 21:19:59 EDT From: Cks64 thankyou for the info on cell restore Subj: Re:SCPC RADIO Date: 95-09-17 01:00:17 EDT From: User319498 use composite out to scanners ant input Subj: help me with my pro 2004 Date: 95-09-17 21:42:50 EDT From: JTM3rd i was wondering if any one had any info on the pot settings inside the scanner or know anyone that fixes these scanners thanks jim Subj: PRO 51 MOD Date: 95-09-19 20:47:40 EDT From: CCA INC CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET A MOD FOR A PRO 51 THANKS Subj: Pro 2036 Date: 95-09-20 09:03:37 EDT From: GREL SANDY Welcome fellow scanner, I am looking for some info on my scanner regarding losing channels after it is unpluged. Any one with info, please E- mail me so we can talk. I am very satisfied with this scanner, it is 200 channels, scans 29.00 all the way to 956.00, and the speed in turbo is 100 channels per second. I have not found a better scanner anywhere , without taking a giant leap to the really "big bucks" catagory. GREL SANDY Subj: PRO-33 MODS ? Date: 95-09-21 00:15:39 EDT From: JBurchiii I need any airband or 800mhz mods for a RS PRO-33 Thanks, John Subj: PRO-2006 Availability? Date: 95-09-24 08:15:51 EDT From: BeachFun99 Is it still possible to buy a new 2006 anywhere? Thanks. Subj: PRO-2006 Availability? Date: 95-09-24 08:16:59 EDT From: BeachFun99 Is it still possible to buy a new 2006 anywhere? Thanks. Subj: Re:Pro 2036 Date: 95-09-25 01:05:55 EDT From: Armadillo1 Grel- My 890, which is a very similar scanner by Uniden did that too. It wound up being about 3 or 4 parts they had to replace to get it working. If I remember correctly, I sent it to Uniden customer service and had it back in a couple of weeks. I'm sure RS would offer the service for the 2036. And I agree... the 2036 is a nice scanner for the price. Ken Subj: Re:PRO-2006 Availability? Date: 95-09-25 17:03:01 EDT From: AUSSIE1EMT Go into any Radio Shack and tell em you want one, they'll do a nationwide search and find one, have it UPS'd to your local Radio Shack and you should have it within a week. Price right now is $259 i believe Subj: Pro51 marked 10A4 Date: 95-09-29 18:20:02 EDT From: K Zs Hello, I have seen mods for other PRO-51's with different makings. Is it possible to bring celluar to this beast? Thanks for the help Kevin Subj: pro-2004 service manual Date: 95-09-30 08:41:27 EDT From: JoeAN2SCV hi, i need SERVICE manual for 2004. please e-mail tnx Subj: Re:Pro 2036 Date: 95-09-30 23:11:30 EDT From: JoeO251042 If you need service RS Service Centers can get it done usually in about a week. Just take it to any Radio Shack store in the U.S. Subj: 800MHZ DATA Date: 95-10-02 03:12:16 EDT From: ANordin Has anyone out there had any luck decoding the data that is heard in the cell frequencies? I have a pk232-pro2006 with a hb232 interface and a 386. Is there any gizzmos offered to the public that a hobbiest can build or buy? please post or e-mail re: tnx es 73... Subj: Re:What is triple conversion Date: 95-10-02 17:29:25 EDT From: Time bomb2 The triple conversion is the amount of checks the scanner takes on each frequency. Say you hear something on a freq but hear it better and clearer on another. The triple conversion would eliminate the bleed over from the freq and go directly to the freq the sound is coming from. Subj: Re:PRO-2006 Availability? Date: 95-10-03 00:53:23 EDT From: G2BELLOWS Pardon me, but are you speaking in terms of the PRO-2006 or the PRO-2026? And have you done this recently or maybe last year or so? Perhaps you have used the magic word or have found a very friendly RS dealer. I don't want to jump the gun here and will check with local dealers. My feeling is that this won't happen but I will check on my end and report back. Subj: radio shack repair Date: 95-10-03 10:46:36 EDT From: JoeAN2SCV Thanks for the input joe, but i will not let radio shack near my radios. i'll send it to G&G . i want to try & fix it my self first. Subj: RS PRO 46 Date: 95-10-04 02:13:04 EDT From: Knight528 This is my first scanner. I paid $179 for it. For some reason, I feel ripped off. All I can pick up is the Mc Donalds drive thru intercom. Is this a good model to start learning about scanners. The directions weren't too clear on how to use it. Is there a better one to learn from? Radio Shack is good??? Or is it?? Lisa Subj: Re:RS PRO 46 Date: 95-10-04 09:24:11 EDT From: DonMallett I have the Pro-39, The weak point of any (handheld) scanner is the (rubber ducky) antenna. I pulled out a old mag. mount CB antenna. By trying it I can pick much more and from futher away. If yo can pick-up Mcdonald's That means your not out in middle of nowhere! There's more out there check out Freq.Books for more things to listen too. Subj: pro-46 Date: 95-10-04 19:42:21 EDT From: JoeAN2SCV pro-46 isw a good radio. first thing to do is invest $10, go back to radio shack & buy their telescopic whip, the one with the black center load, #20-006, then . . . for 30-54 mhz extend the antenna all the way and then collapse the top 2 sections, same for air 118-136 mhz, & 136-174 mhz. for uhf: 380- 512 mhz antenna should be 6 inches, although it may work better with only the bottom 2 sections up. for 800 mhz & up 3 inches is ideal, but . . leave it all the way collapsed. this is only one antenna that will give you better reception. the rubber duckie is good if you want to hear ??? on second thought, don't use it. Subj: PRO-39 Mod Date: 95-10-07 20:42:35 EDT From: Sg670nm Is there a modification that can be done to a R/S PRO 39 scanner to recieve the 200 MHz band? Subj: Pro-43 power ? Date: 95-10-09 20:13:45 EDT From: NY041ed I have been confused by some of theguys here on AOL. On my pro-43 there are 2 jacks... One says Chrg and the other PWR. Now can the same adapter sold by Radio Shack be used in both jacks? Some guys are saying that you need 2 seperate adapters. Subj: Pro-2030 Date: 95-10-09 20:59:31 EDT From: Greg120A Does anyone know if it is possible to use the Pro-2030 through a computer? Subj: Re:Pro-43 power ? Date: 95-10-09 22:03:48 EDT From: Boosher No, same adapter. Subj: Re: PRO-43 "CHG"/"PWR"jacks Date: 95-10-09 23:58:58 EDT From: G2BELLOWS The fellow who replied that " same adapter " is absolutely right. Note, that the radio will also operate while being charged. It is very important to use ONLY Ni-Cad rechargable batteries if you plug into the jack marked "CHG ". Regular batteries will overheat or possibly (though I have never seen it) explode. There is nothing exotic about the charger it is just that tiny little plug they have put on it to make you use their model (and possibly because of space restrictions as well). Subj: Re:Pro-43 power ? Date: 95-10-10 14:43:22 EDT From: DonMallett It works the same way as my pro -39, The Chrg Will charge the batteries and run the scanner. The other, PWR- will run the scanner with out putting any charge into the batteries. Subj: Leather Case for Pro series Date: 95-10-12 00:24:29 EDT From: Gatorback The Soft Leather Cases are out for the PRO-hand held scanners.$19.95 call-1-800-THE-SHAC. Subj: Re:Leather Case for Pro series Date: 95-10-13 19:37:21 EDT From: JimA119256 Do they have them in the stores or can you only order them? Subj: Re:Leather Case for Pro series Date: 95-10-13 23:51:50 EDT From: Gatorback You have to order them from Radio Shack. 1-800-THE-SHAC Subj: Re:Leather Case for Pro series Date: 95-10-14 13:22:03 EDT From: NY041ed I got a nice Hard Leather Case that protects from small falls from a place called Design EQ. I think they might advertise in Monitoring Times. Subj: Radio shack PRO 26: MODS Date: 95-10-17 17:39:19 EDT From: PSKH Are there any mods out there to restore the CELLULAR freqs in this scanner? thanks Subj: RS Pro-26 1.3 GHz Date: 95-10-18 00:51:45 EDT From: Mike NRA Just bought RS Pro-26, and mod. I should know about? Subj: Re:NEW RS HANDHELD Date: 95-10-18 00:53:01 EDT From: Mike NRA Just bought it, it's great Subj: Pro-43 for sale Date: 95-10-18 20:04:42 EDT From: ChazManDu Pro-43 handheld scanner with rubber-duck antenna for sale: Coverage: 30-54 (55-88) 118-174 220-512 806-999 (full coverage) parenthesis indicate extended coverage $250.00 Call Charles at (214)-327-8342 Subj: Mods for 2039? Date: 95-10-23 11:51:48 EDT From: BryanY Any mods available for the PRO 2039? Subj: Re:RS2006 to Computer? Date: 95-10-24 22:55:57 EDT From: Freeway109 get an optoelectroniccs os-456 Subj: Pro-26 user Date: 95-11-03 01:20:56 EDT From: IMFLYN The Pro-26 is my first scanner and I am impressed! With nearly full, unbroken 25-1300 Mhz coverage I am set for a while. I am sure I will buy from RS again when new scanners come out. IMFLYN@AOL.COM Subj: Don't Buy a PRO-2030 Date: 95-11-05 19:15:44 EDT From: AVelordi Just picked up a PRO-2030 at the closeout price of $89.95 and thought it was a deal. Forget it! First, the radio weighs next-to-nothing, and the audio quality is terrible. Must be a ten cent speaker in there. -And this scanner lists at $199.95 in the '95 RS Catalog!!!! What a piece of junk. Has anyone had the same experience? Maybe I got a late-production run (LCD readout is on an orange background, while the catlg shows it as light green). I have three other RS scanners, and ALL (including the PRO-2028) are of much higher quality. Why are their mid-range units so poorly made? What an eye-opener! Geez! Jumping ship to Uniden, Art Subj: Re:Pro-43 power ? Date: 95-11-07 09:36:11 EDT From: Snglatlast Only need one...........if you want that pro 43 modified to recieve more than you ever thought , give me a note............................again 4 your ?..........only need one pwr supply............will do both....had like it for 8 years.........I know.......I also have the 39/51/37/39/2004/2005/2006 and I think I know how they work........ Subj: need batt backup for pro-2026 Date: 95-11-08 01:08:14 EDT From: Kprod I need the backup battery mod for the pro-2026 please, any other mods for the rig would also be appreciated. Thanks Kirk Subj: Pro 2006 Antenna Date: 95-11-08 22:14:27 EDT From: WAM11 I want to replace the chrome telescoping antenna that came with the radio. I cannot install a roof antenna..or, one in the attic. I need suggestions on what to hang on the rear of the unit...Condor or RS or "?". If possible, I need specifics...manufacturer's name and model number. Many thanks. Please E-Mail me. Bill Marshall...WAM11 Subj: Re:Don't Buy a PRO-2030 Date: 95-11-11 16:59:17 EDT From: SCAN95 You must have gotten a lemon. I purchased a 2030 about 6 months ago as a backup unit and have no problems with it. I always connect an external speaker to all of my scanners so there is no problem with the audio. Don't get me wrong, this isn't going to replace the 2006 or BC-9000XLT as a base unit, but as a scanner for the living room, bedroom, office, where ever, it should perform well. We get what we pay for. SCAN95 Washington, DC Subj: RS2042 Date: 95-11-12 23:36:13 EDT From: ShelleyS1 Thought that all of you might be interested in some information I pulled down from someone over at Compuserve about the 2042! Hope it helps those of you who had questions about the unit! From: Larry Underwood, 102701,1602 To: All Topic: PRO2042 NEW FEATURES! Msg #415798 Section: VHF/UHF Scanning [2] Forum: HamNet Date: Nov 8, 1995, 8:31:10 PM The following is a response I received to questions I posed to Radio Shack corporate headquarters regarding the early demise of the Pro-2035. Thought it might be of interest to those interested in this unit or its replacement, the Pro-2042. Mail header deleted for readability. ---------------- There were no design problems with the PRO-2035. The new PRO-2042 has some improved operational features and a slightly higher retail price of $499.99. Here is a list of the differences: *Proportional tuning - rate increases 3 times if knob is turned fast. *No longer scans empty channels (0.0000 MHz); no need to lock them out for scanning. *Lock out (skip) feature now works in all modes (limit/direct and memory scan); lock out up to 200 frequencies. *Unit now checks for duplicate frequencies whenever storing frequencies, including "Auto Store" mode (the user can force same frequency in a second (or third...) memory channel if desired). *Memory banks can now be sorted by frequency in either ascending or descending order. *Also, the display backlight color was changed from green to orange to improve contrast. I think you can see that we have significantly enhanced the operation of the PRO-2035 and the enhancements are well worth the extra money. You also asked why companies like EEB and Grove can sell our scanners for less. Well, they can sometimes beat our price since their overhead is lower. The majority of their business is mail order, they have one or at the most several stores, not 4500 stores (plus 2000 dealers). But the biggest reason is that EEB and Grove are either dealers for Radio Shack, or they buy from Radio Shack dealers. When we are going to run a sale, we offer special pricing on the items in the sale to our dealers. We do this about one month ahead of the sale because we want them to offer the same retail price as our company stores - no confusion then, when you enter any store with a Radio Shack sign, sale prices usually match the add. We do this for you, to do our part to make sure you get a good price no matter where you buy. But what some dealers do is buy far more than they expect to sell in the ad. They may buy a 4 or even 6 months supply at the lower price. Then after the sale, they continue to offer the same sale price long after the sale has ended. Frankly, we try not to discourage this practice. I personally feel that if a dealer wants to buy extra inventory, incur the risks in order to offer a better mail order price - that's up to him. If a few customers get a better price mail order and I still ultimately get the sale, that's fine. I'm in the business of making customers happy! Best Regards, Wayne Wilson Communications Buyer Radio Shack ---------- Subj: upgrads for PRO 2020 Date: 95-11-13 20:41:14 EDT From: Ant661 Ant one have any upgrads for the pro 2020 scanner. Subj: Pro2035 hyperscan Date: 95-11-17 02:21:44 EDT From: SOFA LIPS I enjoy this one, kinda of confusing though. Does anyone know who I can get codes for south Louisiana like New Orleans, west bank, jefferson parish etc. from.??? please E-mail : Sofa Lips * I am new at this, and am interested in getting ham lic. Subj: Re:Pro 51 Date: 95-11-19 23:10:13 EDT From: Cyber 3383 I cant seem to get these mods right. Could someone please write me and explain the whole thing to me! Thanks, Travis Kakuske Subj: Pro 43 Date: 95-11-22 23:03:55 EDT From: DonS436229 Is $175.00 too much to pay for a Pro43? Subj: pro-43 Date: 95-11-23 11:23:32 EDT From: JoeAN2SCV grab it !!! for $175.00 it's a bargain Subj: Re:RS2042 Date: 95-11-24 03:12:37 EDT From: JSKSR1 Hi, Your message from the RS guy sounds interesting,,,,,but,,,, When the new catalog came out with the PRO-2042, I sent an email to the TANDY Tech Support Center to ask if the 2035 could be upgraded to 'fix' the design defects that the spec's of the 2042 apparently fixed. The first email back to me indicated that they weren't aware of any defects with the product and suggested I have mine serviced. I sent a second email with Bob Parnass' review of the 2035 referenced. I got another email telling me the tech manager for that product ( I wonder who the first guy was ??? ) would contact me via phone. Shortly thereafter I got a phone call from a 'Jeremy' at the Tech Center acknowledging the design defects and was told to contact my local RS District Manager to coordinate an exchange of the product. I am still waiting for Mr Elson Eldridge, the District Manager for the store I purchased the 2035 at, to return my first phone call so this can happen. The PRO-2035 is a good unit, but I bought it wanting to use the search and store feature AS ADVERTISED. This feature is useless as implemented in the 2035 and RS should make good on the product by either fixing the 2035 or an allowance on a 2042. When I first contacted RS they told me they would stand behind their product, doesn't seem like that is happening here and this is just an effort to avoid the product defect issue,,,, Any other 2035 owners out there???? Regards, Jim Subj: Re:RS2042 Date: 95-11-24 21:31:37 EDT From: JCKINCAID Jim I own a new 2035. Would be interested in the outcome of your 2035 vs 2042 adventure. If it can be done I will do the same John Subj: Re:RS2042 Date: 95-11-27 00:34:22 EDT From: Armadillo1 Yes! Keep us posted. I have an almost new 2035 too, and would like to make that swap if it's offered. Once my local store gets 2042's in stock, I'll have to ask that question here. Let me know what happens! Ken Subj: NEW 2006's Date: 95-12-01 03:59:51 EDT From: AKswl See my Ad under scanners for sale. Subj: 2035 versus the new 2042 Date: 95-12-03 19:31:08 EDT From: HarvN Can anyone tell me the difference between (besides costing $50.00 more) between the new for 1995 RS2035 and New for 1996 RS2042 1000 channel scanner? Looks the same to me. Subj: Re:NETSET ??? Date: 95-12-04 13:39:23 EDT From: Sherlock12 Actually, the European operations are owned by a company called Intertan, which is traded separately on the New York Stock Exchange, making it technically unrelated to Tandy. Intertan does, however, buy merchandise from Tandy in the United States. So, Tandy shops in UK are unrelated to Radio Shack in the US. Netset? Don't know. Sorry. --Doug Hitzig, Cocoa Beach, Fla. Subj: Re:NETSET ??? Date: 95-12-04 18:51:42 EDT From: POPCOMM Netset is used for RadioShack equipment in the UK because there was a trademark problem with Tandy using "RadioShack" over there. 73, Chuck Gysi, N2DUP Editor, Popular Communications Posted at 4:53:19 p on 12/4/95 Subj: RS Scanner Date: 95-12-04 19:03:19 EDT From: KrisJP1 I have a RS pro-2034 and want to know if there are any radio mods for it. i have never seen any. Thanks, Kris (KrisJP1) Subj: re: 2042 vs. 2035 Date: 95-12-07 01:23:35 EDT From: Armadillo1 The 2042 is an updated 2035, with some problems fixed and some new "features" added. Both are excellent receivers, and I can't tell a whole lot of difference between them in their abiltiy to receive a signal. The 2042 has, in addition to all the features of the 2035: Speed sensitive dial- as you turn faster, the steps are larger. Orange backlight instead of green Will only store a frequency once during search operations and auto store operations. Will alert if you try to manually enter a duplicate channel. Black buttons instead of grey. I think that's about it. Both radios can use the Optoelectronics OS 535 computer interface, which is really the way to scan (G). I can't answer the question for you as to whether or not this is worth the difference. Entirely up to you, but I don't think you'll be unhappy either way. Subj: 2042 VERSUS 2036 Date: 95-12-08 00:34:38 EDT From: HarvN Despite Bob Paranasis's advice on AOL, last August I bought a 2036. Terrible radio. bad inter-mod and sensitivity. Tried everything, nothing worked short of turning all the way to Max. Visited local RS store Sunday and worked out a "trade in". Got my money back in lieu of upgrading to the 2042 (agreed, cost $250. more) but the 2036 proved useless in my area. Notice Radio Shack is discontinuing 2036, and Bearcat doesn't have the 850 anymore (twin of 2036). I owe Bob an apology, should have taken his advice back in August.... Subj: Hurry Pro-2030 CHEAP Date: 95-12-09 00:15:33 EDT From: NY041ed I just picked up a Pro-2030 ( 80 channels/ 8 Banks/ Low,High, UHf, Air & 800Mhz) for a closeout price of $89.00. It is a nice scanner to supplement the shack at a Great price. My local store only has 1 left. They are offering a 5 Yr warr for $39 but the unit comes w/ 1 yr so I didnt buy the extra cost. For $89 if it breaks after a year I'll trash it. Subj: Pro-43 SPeaker MOD Date: 95-12-12 11:54:05 EDT From: ToasterLnk Does anyone recall seeing a post or file about replaceing the Pro-43 speaker with a different (or newer) one? I'd like to improve the audio quality I get. Thanks. James Subj: PRO-46 Mod Date: 95-12-12 20:55:17 EDT From: DCR Jr I know I've seen this covered in the past, but I'm gonna ask anyway to be sure. I just purchased a new PRO-46 scanner and the date code on the back is 8A3, meaning August, 1993, right? To modify it to access the cell frequencies I have to do the hardware mod where you move the chip jumpers, correct? I've tried to do the keyboard L/O,2, & 9 trick, but it just clears the frequencies and doesn't show any test banks. I'd rather know for sure before I dig into the guts of it with a soldering iron to no avail. By the way, I bought it new at a Radio Shack here in Illinois yetserday, 12/11/95, so it surprised me when I look at the date code. Thanks, Denny Reiter Subj: Re:Pro-43 SPeaker MOD Date: 95-12-13 01:44:08 EDT From: G2BELLOWS Yes, there is are two specific modifications to the PRO-43 for audio improvement: 1) replacement of the existing speaker in earlier models with the type which was installed in the later series and 2) a diode ( or resistor? ) alteration which promoted treble tone over base. On the speaker mod one could seek out a Radio Shack clerk or contact Grove Enterprises for help. The diode alteration may have been one of Mr. Cheek's ideas ( I'm just not certain ). I have had 43's with both modifications. While it was an improvement both mods together are far more difficult and, for the unskilled, dangerous to the radio than the benefits justify. This is a subjective judgement and other better tuned ears could well disagree. Subj: RE: Pro 26 & Downconverter Date: 95-12-17 08:31:19 EDT From: JimA119256 I am curious if anyone has experience with the downconverter from cellur group. As I understand it they add something to the inside of the scanner. Then you scan the military band to pick up cellular calls. what happens to the military scanning if you install this? How good is it and are there negatives to doing this? Any comments would be appreciated. Subj: Re:F.Y.I. RS 2042 Scanner Date: 95-12-18 18:55:53 EDT From: SHuber5206 Thought I'de drop a line to inform the group that I picked-up a 2042 today and WOW !!! This is a real nice scanner. Good sounding audio and quiet running. Does a great job receiving signal that I was losing before due to fringe reception. Well worth the money. Happy Holidays. =Scott= Subj: Help Pro-39 Date: 95-12-18 21:43:47 EDT From: NY041ed Does anyone have a Cell mod for the Pro-39 (Manufactured in Nov '93)? Please Help...Thanks...E-mail. Subj: r.s. pro-2040 Date: 95-12-19 21:43:51 EDT From: MCB 07 anyone heard anything good or bad about this model? are any mods. avail??? thanks mcb 07 Subj: Re:r.s. pro-2040 Date: 95-12-21 11:49:31 EDT From: K4LHB I just bought one a week or so ago, on sale, cheap. Does everything I want except celular. Please share any mods you get. Tnx. Thom Subj: Pro-62 & Cellular Date: 95-12-28 23:06:49 EDT From: SPopke I just bought a RS Pro-62 and was scanning the 50-54MHz range and was picking up cellular calls. Is this possible or what? Please respond via e-mail Thanks, SPopke Subj: Pro 2039 vs Pro 2040 Date: 95-12-29 13:38:18 EDT From: Jarhead600 I'm considering buying one of these models. Both are listed for $249.99 in the '96 'Shack catalog. The 2039 has 200 channels vs 100 for the 2040. Any information or opinions on these models would be appreciated. Dan